Use our product to its best.
How to use?
Apply on the end of your damp hair right after washing it.
Know what goes into the making

Black Sesame Oil
Black Sesame Oil
This non comedogenic oil contains high levels of mono and polyunsaturated fats, phytonutrients and fatty acids, all of which help nourish the skin and hair.

Fenugreek Oil
Fenugreek Oil
Fenugreek has high concentrations of calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc as well as vitamins C, A and B complex and has a host of benefits for the skin and hair.

Ginger Oil
Ginger Oil
This root contains high concentrations of the phytonutrient Gingerol and has 40 different strong anti-oxidant compounds making it a fantastic ingredient to combat aging.

Hibiscus Oil
Hibiscus Oil
Hibiscus is powerful in anti-aging and increasing skin elasticity. It inhibits enzyme elastase, citric and malic acid and is high in anti-oxidant anthocaynocides.

Parsley Oil
Parsley Oil
Parsley comes loaded with vitamins and high quantities of phytochemicals, minerals and volatile oils. All these ensure that parsley has a myriad of benifits for the hair and skin.

Stinging Nettle Oil
Stinging Nettle Oil
This ingredient is a powerhouse of nutrients containng Vitamins, Minerals, Fatty acids, Amino acids, Polyphenols, Flavonoids and other phytonutrients and carotenoids. It is also a natural astringent.

Jamaican Bayleaf Oil
Jamaican Bayleaf Oil
The Jamaican bay leaf is one of the most underrated ingredients for hair related issues. It is a natural conditioner, anti-inflammatory and purgative.Jamaican Bayleaf Oil The Jamaican bay leaf is one of the most underrated ingredients for hair related issues. It is a natural conditioner, anti-inflammatory and purgative.
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